Saturday 30 March 2024




We remember Jesus lying dead in the tomb for three days. There appeared to be no hope. The long-awaited Messiah was dead.

Yet this is only how the situation seemed. In reality, Jesus had conquered death. 

Many occurrences took place after Jesus died on the cross. An earthquake took place, rocks split and the Veil in the Jerusalem Temple tore in two.

Jesus descended into the holding place of the dead, to release those imprisoned by death. Jesus' descent into hell as Triumphant King proclaimed His Victory over sin, death and the devil.

Satan realized that he had been outwitted by the Son of God Who had allowed Himself to be broken and crucified in order to destroy satan's kingdom.

Tombs broke open, and the saints inside were resurrected. They left their graves, and went into Jerusalem, where many people saw them. Jesus opened the way to Heaven for humankind.

Together let us pray a sinner's pray for God's Mercy:

"May God our King deign to grant us His Mercy, 

Behind our bluster may He perceive our pain,

Behind our shouting our weeping,

Behind our guilt our innocence,

Behind our ignorance our ache for wisdom,

Behind our drunkenness our thirst for forgiveness,

Behind our lovelessness our craving for affection,

Behind our impurity our pained self-reproach,

Behind our complacency the pangs of uncertainty,

Behind our pretence the sincerity we fear to show,

Behind our rejection our yearning for eternal redemption.

Behind our defiance the regret for our disobedience to our Redeemer.

May God compassionately console all those we have disappointed and heal all hearts we have broken,

May God graciously forgive us our every sin and transgression,

May God mercifully allow all of us together in heaven one day to sing His praises in His glorious Presence,

May God's Divine and infinite ocean of mercy for sinners be glorified forever. Amen."

Good Shepherd Church is holding Holy Saturday prayer vigil, as we remember that in the early hours of Sunday Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour triumphantly arose from the grave.

As we too shall one day.

We pray for

- an end for all wars

- for all who are suffering

- for end to torture and killing of humans and animals

- for peace to reign in the world

- for families to be healed and reunited

- for those who are seeking to find meaning in their lives

- for all babies whose lives are threatened in the womb, that their lives may be saved

Why not join us in prayer? If possible, attend or pray at all, of the following:

- Blessed Eucharist

- Prayer Service

- Holy Rosary

- Bible reading

Blessings on the culmination of your Lent, time of repentance and spiritual renewal.

Pray the Holy Rosary at the following link:

Bible reading may be found at:

With thanks to and


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