Tuesday 31 March 2020


Apparitions of Joseph and Mary have occurred over the centuries. 
  Joseph and Mary, co-parenting the Son of GOD, attest to the sanctity of marriage by appearing together with Jesus in childhood form.

  The family in its traditional format comprises biological father, biological mother and biological children as a close unit with shared life, domicile and set of godly values.

  GOD gave us the blueprint for stable family life in the family He brought together in Israel: Joseph and Mary from Nazareth, together with God's own Son, Jesus.

  GOD further blessed the state of family by manifold apparitions of the Holy Family internationally, down through the centuries.

Cotignac, France
On August 10th 1519, a woodcutter named John de la Baume went up to the top of Mount Verdaille. 
  This humble man began his day as was his custom, with prayer.
  As John rose from his knees, he saw a cloud in which Joseph, together with Mary and the child Jesus appeared.
  The family were accompanied by Archangel Saint Michael and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
  Mary stood with her feet on a crescent moon. 
She told John, "Go and tell the Consuls and the Clergy of Cotignac to build a chapel here dedicated to Our Lady of Graces, and come in procession to receive the graces that I want to grant."
  The next day, in the same place, John had the same apparition and the request was repeated.

Fatima, Portugal
On the 13th October 1917, the visionaries at the Cova da Iria received a vision of the Holy Family.
  Saint Joseph appeared beside the sun with the Child Jesus and Mary.
  Joseph was dressed in white, and Jesus in light red. 
  Mary was dressed in white with a blue mantle, as Our Lady of the Rosary.
  Joseph blessed the crowd, making the Sign of the Cross three times.
The Child Jesus did the same.

Knock, Ireland
On 1st August 1879, at about 7 pm, the housekeeper to Archdeacon Kavanagh saw an apparition at the south gable of the parish church.
  Thereafter many others arrived at the church, and also witnessed the wondrous event.
  Mary stood with her husband Saint Joseph in front of a lamb with a cross on an altar: a universal symbolic image of Jesus.
  They were accompanied by Saint John the Evangelist.

  The vision was clear; three life-sized figures were seen to the west of the gable. 
  They were surrounded by light and standing out from it.
  Our Lady stood in the middle, her eyes lifted to heaven and her hands raised to her shoulders with palm inwards.
  She was dressed in a full loose cloak and had a beautiful crown on her head.

Saint Joseph stood to her right, his head bowed respectfully towards her.
  On her left stood Saint John the Evangelist.
He was dressed as a bishop with a small mitre: one  hand raised as if preaching.
  To the left of Saint John was an altar on which stood a lamb and a cross. 
  Around the altar some of the witnesses saw angels' wings.
  When night fell, the gable was covered with a cloud of pleasing light, soft like moonlight.
  The Figures seemed themselves to be made of light.

Zeitoun, Egypt
Holy Zeitoun is known as one of the locations where the Holy Family stayed during their flight into Egypt.
  This flight into the  land which welcomed the refugees saved the life of Jesus.

Above the Coptic Orthodox Church in Zeitoun, a suburb of Cairo, multiple apparitions were witnessed over some years.
  In 1968 Saint Joseph appeared several times together with his wife, Mary, and the Christ Child aged about twelve.

  Various of the Zeitoun apparitions were seen, documented and photographed by millions. 
  The apparitions were also seen by President Gamal Abdel Nasser.
  Furthermore the apparitions were captured by newspaper photographers and Egyptian television.

Message of the Holy Family
The loving unity of the family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus witness to the supreme value GOD places upon the family unit.
  Many struggle with sorrows within family: bereavement, loss and unexpected difficulties may be bravely faced with the help of GOD.

  In an age where confusion reigns at times over various roles in the family, let us remember:
  Every balanced child needs a father. 
Saint Joseph himself - a human man - was chosen to guide Jesus through His developing years in His humanity.
  Every balanced child needs a mother. 
Our Lady - a human woman with a call from the Divine - was chosen to cherish Jesus within her being, nurture Him during His infancy, guide Him through His Youth, and be with Him during His Mission.
  She stood steadfast at His Cross when Her Son needed her at His Death.
  She saw the great Resurrection and the fulfilment of the prophecies of the centuries.

  Every balanced child needs the security of a stable family during the time of transition from infant to adulthood. 
  Severe disturbance in family structure and harmony may lead to the child experiencing difficulties in later life.

Jesus is the blueprint
Jesus, the Christ, promised by GOD and prophesied by the Prophets, is the blueprint of the perfect human being.

  Call on the Holy Family, and on Jesus for the graces needed for your family.

"Let us pray
[as the family of GOD
who share in His Life]
Father in Heaven, Creator of all,
You ordered the earth to bring forth life,
and crowned its goodness
by creating the family of man.
In history's moment when all was ready
You sent Your Son to dwell in time,
obedient to the laws of life in our world.
Teach us the sanctity of human love,
Show us the value of family life,
And help us to live in peace with all people
That we may share in Your Life forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. 

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