Sunday 29 March 2020


LORD, YOU ARE THE HEALER. You heal people of sickness and affliction through Your love and compassion. Visit me, Lord, and grant me strength to bear this sickness which I suffer. Grant me patience, submission to Your will and trust in Your loving care. I pray that You will bless the means used for my recovery and those who administer them. Grant that my sickness may be to my spiritual benefit.

Merciful Lord, the true comfort and hope of those who suffer, I entreat that You accept the prayers which I offer to You. I offer my sufferings in union with Your sufferings on the cross, for the conversion of sinners, for the forgiveness of sins, in reparation for sins and for the salvation of souls.

Grant that this sickness which I suffer may bring me closer to You. You are the Lord of life and health. You alone can raise me up from my bed of sickness. I thus turn to You with a humble heart and a repentant spirit. My Lord, have mercy on me. I ask that my sins be forgiven. My health is in Your hands. You need say only the word and I will get well again. Yet let Your will, not mine be done. You know best what leads to my health and my eternal salvation.

I thank You for the many blessings You have bestowed on me during my life. I ask that I be healed, if this is Your will. I ask for the courage and humility to bear my illness with grace and dignity, if it is to remain with me. Whatever befall in this instance, I bless and glorify Your name, Merciful Lord.


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