Wednesday 1 April 2020


Jesus, the Light of the world

The world is labouring under the scourge of the coronavirus. We pray for those affected by coronavirus, for their carers, families and friends. We pray for those who have passed from this world to God. We pray for the priests who have died while ministering to those suffering from coronavirus. Almighty God, we beg that You hear our prayer and lift this cross from our world.

Follow this Holy Online Chapel Service for your special intentions.

"The peace of the Lord be always with you, "
"And also with you."

Entrance Hymn;
O Lord, hear my prayer

1. O Lord, hear my prayer,
O Lord, hear my prayer,
When I call, answer me;
O Lord, hear my prayer,
O Lord, hear my prayer,
Come and listen to me.

2. O Lord, hear my prayer,
O Lord, hear my prayer,
When I call, answer me;
O Lord, hear my prayer,
O Lord, hear my prayer,
Come and listen to me. (Repeat)

"Most merciful and Triune God,"
 We come to You with our fears and our needs. We come to You with trust, for You alone are our hope in this time of trouble.
"We place before You the disease present in our world, We turn to You in the time of our need. We pray that You heal our world of this virus. We pray that You be the strength for our healthcare professionals, our leaders, our priests and all in essential services. Bring healing to those who are ill, protect those who are most at risk, Give comfort to those who have lost a loved one. Welcome those who have died into Your eternal home. Stabilize our communities, Unite us in our compassion, Remove all fear from our hearts, Fill us with confidence in your care." [Here quietly lay your concerns and prayers before God now.].
I trust in You to help me with [ . . . here quietly pray about your intention. Do not commit your prayers and intentions to words or any form of communication. Your prayer is sacred between you and God alone.] "

After you have finished praying, spend time before God allowing Him to speak to you. Listen to the Voice of the Spirit as He guides you. Allow yourself to be strengthened. If tears come and wash away your loneliness or fears, don't be afraid of them. Tears are healing to the soul.
Place yourself before God to be guided. What does God place before You in guidance?

Having brought Jesus your time, faith and presence, rest assured that He will guide you. Ask Mary the Mother of God to take your cause in hand. She, the Mother of the Saviour, is always ready to extend maternal care and ask God for blessing. Don't be afraid to approach her in prayer.

The Ministry of the Word
Jeremiah Chapter 17, verse 14
"Heal me, O Lord,
and I will be healed;
save me, and I will be saved:
For You are my hope."

Words of Comfort
We are living through a bewildering time when, overnight it seems, everything has changed. We cannot move freely, and if we have to go out for essential needs, we do not know if we will return still in good health. Many are passing from this world due to coronavirus, families are being left bereft. Where is God in all this? The Almighty has us in His Hands. He is welcoming those of us who are making our way early into our heavenly home. Jobs are being affected, our mental health and equilibrium are being challenged. Yet, in this storm let us cling to God, our unshakeable Rock.
Many years ago a wise priest told me, "I do not know what your future holds; but I do know Who holds your future." At this difficult time, I pray for you all and pass on those beautiful words which gave me so much comfort. I know that God holds your future in His Hands. May He grant the protection, blessing and strength you need at this time."

Prayers of Intercession;
For Leaders and those in governance
Lord God, we prayer for those in leadership and governance, that they may receive the wisdom they need for good decisions, the strength to carry the weight of the responsibility they bear and the blessing of continued or returned health

For those suffering from Coronavirus
Healing God, we pray for healing for those who are suffering from Coronavirus. Be with them in their time of trial, and be with their carers, families and friends

For those who have died from Coronavirus
Lord God, we pray for all those who have come to your Eternal Home. We commend them to Your love, compassion and mercy as they come before Your beauteous Presence. May they rest in Your peace forever

For bereaved families, friends and communities
We pray for those who have suffered the tragic loss of a loved one. May they receive the care and comfort they need at this time

For healthcare workers
Lord God, we pray for all healthcare workers. Grant them strength and health at this time as they carry out the vocation to which You called them. Bless their families and friends

For the world
We pray for the world, that a full return to environmental health be effected. We pray that respect for the earth and the plant, sea, air and animal kingdoms prevail. It is notable that scourges which ravage our populations from time to time often have their source in humanity's treatment of the innocent animals of our creation. May only tenderness and compassion reign in our hearts towards these most innocent of creatures. Amen

The Eucharist
"Let us renew our covenant with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as we break the Holy Bread in remembrance of His great Sacrifice for us on Calvary."

"Now, as they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed and broke it. He gave it to His disciples, saying, 'Take this, all of you, and eat it; for this is My Body.'

At the end of the supper, Jesus took the cup of wine, blessed it and gave it to His disciples, saying, 'Take this, all of you, and drink; This is My Blood, shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.' "
Close your eyes and receive spiritual communion from the Saviour at this sacred chapel.
Spend time in reflection, and hear His Word to you.
Be blessed; be sanctified; be comforted.

Final Blessing;
"Almighty God,
Keep [here quietly place your name before God] safe, dear Lord.
Encourage [your name], strengthen [your name] with Your support.
May [your name] receive healing, be strengthened by Your grace, unburdened in Your love, guided by your Spirit evermore. Amen."

Final Hymn:

Verse 1
Hide me now
Under Your Wings,
Cover me
Within Your Mighty Hands.
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God.

Verse 2
Find rest, my soul
In Christ alone. 
Know His Power
In quietness and trust.
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God.

With thanks to youtube

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