Friday 10 April 2020



During Lent Christians celebrate the Stations of the Cross in devout commemoration of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the first Good Friday.  
Today we pray the Way of the Cross for all who have been affected by Coronavirus.

On the day Jesus was crucified, let us remember all who have suffered from the Coronavirus, for those who are suffering, for all who have lost their lives, for their carers, families, colleagues and friends. . 

To the melody of the ancient Stabat Mater hymn, let us pray or sing:

First Station: Jesus is condemned to death
Though he knew that Christ was blameless
Pilate in a deed most shameless
To the cross him did condemn

Second Station: Jesus takes up his cross
With contempt the rabble varmints
Robed the King in royal garments
To deride his royalty

Third Station: Jesus falls the first time
Weakened by the brutal flaying
Yet the wicked rule obeying
Jesus fell beneath the cross

Fourth station: Jesus meets his mother, Mary
When he met his holy Mother
Who had served him as no other
Eyes at eyes in silence gazed

Fifth Station: Simon helps Jesus carry the cross
Seeing Jesus in his meekness
Tremble from exhausted weakness
Simon helped him bear his cross

Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
The image of his holy face
Never after was erased
From Veronica’s soothing cloth

Seventh Station: Jesus falls the second time
For the second time he stumbled
Flattened by the cross he crumbled
Yet he rose despite the pain

Eighth Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem
Mothers of Jerusalem
Wept until he counselled them:
Save your weeping for your own

Ninth Station: Jesus falls the third time
Once again he tripped and fell
Still amid the taunts of hell
Rose and bore the cross again

Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments
Lily of all purity
How they shamed thy dignity
When they tore thy garments off

Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Hideous nails through hands and feet
Still the Lamb refused to bleat
As his mother‘s heart was pierced

Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the cross
When she stayed close by his side
For the time until he died
She sustained him by her love

Thirteenth Station: Jesus is taken down from the cross
When they took him down they laid him
In her arms a cradle made him
For her Son, the King of kings

Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the sepulchre
Joseph’s sepulchre received him
He was dead – yet she believed him
Three days on he rose from death

With thanks to Youtube

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