Thursday 9 April 2020


"We pray that every priest may

  • hear and live God's word
  • bear Christ to others
  • proclaim Jesus as Saviour and Lord
  • celebrate the holy Sacraments with devotion
  • hear the voice of Jesus
  • honour Mary, Joseph, all the Saints and Angels
  • proclaim the truth of the Gospel
  • witness to Jesus the Son of God
  • be steadfast in prayer
  • bear suffering patiently for Christ
  • be faithful to priestly duties
  • be the bringer of peace and reconciliation
  • be a witness of hope
  • be on fire with love of the Holy Spirit of God
"Lord Jesus, you invite us to pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into His harvest.
Lord and God of all, we humbly ask that you call priests on fire with Your divine Love to Your service.
We pray they will be the voice of the Good Shepherd to the scattered sheep of the flock.

Lord and Saviour, bless us with many devoted priests. Through their ministry may your life-giving presence in the sacraments be always present in your Church.

Lord and Giver of life, raise up priests faithful to Your call, so that all who dwell in darkness may come to live in the light of Christ.

Pray the Rosary

With thanks to

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