Friday 24 June 2022


"All men are as children before God; all, even the most profound thinkers and the most experienced leaders of peoples.
They judge events with the foreshortened vision of time, which passes and flies past irretrievably. God, on the other hand, sees events from on high, from the unmoved centre of eternity. They have before their eyes the limited view of a few years. God has before Him the all-embracing panorama of the ages. They think of human events in relation to their proximate causes and immediate effects. God sees them in their remote causes and judges them in their remote effects. They stop to single out this or that particular reponsible hand. God sees a whole hidden complicated convergence of responsibilities, because His exalted Providence does not exclude the free choice of evil and good in human selection.

They would have immediate justice, and are scandalised at the ephemeral power of the enemies of God, the sufferings and humiliations of the innocent permitted by God. But our Heavenly Father, Who in the light of His eternity embraces, penetrates and dominates the vicissitudes of time as much as the serene peace of the endless ages; God, Who is the Blessed Trinity, full of compassion for the weaknesses, ignorance and impatience of men, but Who loves men too much for their faults to turn Him from the ways of His wisdom and love, continues, and will continue, to make His sun to rise on the good and the evil, and to send rain on the just and the unjust; to guide their childlike steps with firmness and kindness if only they will let themselves be led by Him and have trust in the power and the wisdom of His love for them.

What does it mean to trust in God?
Trust in God means the abandonment of oneself, with all the forces of the will sustained by grace and love, in spite of all the doubts suggested by appearances to the contrary, to the wisdom, the infinite love of God. It means believing that nothing in this world escapes His Providence, whether in the universal or in the particular order; that nothing great or small happens which is not foreseen, willed or permitted, directed always by Providence to its exalted ends, which in this world are always inspired by love for men." [1]

[1] Pope Pius XII. 1958. Guide for Living, an approved selection of Letters and Addresses of His Holiness Pope Pius XII.  "Why does God allow it?" London: Evans Brothers Limited.  pages 94 to 95

Prayer Chapel for Detransitioners Who Regret Gender Transition; WORDS OF COMFORT


Dear Lord, I am here in this Chapel today because since my gender detransition I am - quite simply - struggling. I underwent gender transition which I now regret. I am experiencing difficulties. Tears for changed voice and changed or lost body parts. I have been going through deep emotional pain and trauma, and fear my life has been permanently changed. I often suffer depression.  

I made a past choice which I now regret. Worst of all, I cannot turn back time and change the decision I made.
I did not really have full knowledge at the time as to what I was doing. I was younger, struggling, and hoped that gender transition would heal my inner pain.
I really thought it was the right decision, now - as I grow older and understand the consequences of that decision - I experience heartache.
I have since found that gender transition did not prove the answer I had hoped. 
Now I realize that in gender detransition, instead of being problem free, I now have new problems - a deep regret.
I hurt so much when I think of how my gender detransition has affected my body and my life.
I hurt when I see someone who does not have compassion for my pain dealing with gender issues and gender detransition.
Dear Lord, please help me. 

"My dearest Child,
Just come into my Arms and be at peace. I am your Heavenly Father, and I know all about you.
I know your struggles, your heartaches, your inner goodness, the difficulties you have so bravely faced.
I know how difficult it was for you to undergo therapies and surgeries.
I am the God Who created male and female. I am also the God Who understands the difficulties many experience with gender in a world which was rendered imperfect after the Fall.
Be assured of My Love. Be assured of My Understanding. Rest within My Peace.
Yes, there have been changes such as voice or bodily appearance as a result of hormonal therapies and surgery. Yet these are but superficial.
Your soul has remained untouched, and is most beautiful in my sight, My dear Child.
Be reassured, your resurrected body will be fully healed once more. So do not weep. All of life is a transition. I understand that.
You did not fully understand the decision you were making before. Now you do. So let us move on together.

Look for good help, for one of my Trustworthy Shepherds, a priest or counsellor - be discerning in your choice  - to help you confidentially through your struggles. Further, choose a shepherd who will understand the pain and difficulty of gender transition.
Pain upon looking back at past deeds can do one of two things; firstly, it can strengthen you in your new life.
Or - left unchecked - it can cripple you with regret leading to a depression.

My Son came to show that every day is a new day. Complete renewal can be reborn through My Divine Grace in your human spirit.
Your physical gender attributes are not eternally lost: they will be fully restored to you in heaven.
Now be gentle with yourself. And let me heal your heart, my loving child."

"In order to help you, My dearest child, here is a Prayer Service where My Divine Grace is called down.
During this Holy Service, you and I - together, in this quiet and confidential place, Father and Child - will remember your past transition experiences. We will affirm, cherish and bless your new understanding of the beauty of your gender which does not depend on outer appearance, but on your inner truth.

For this ceremony make a little altar. You can do this with a little table if you wish, or on the floor if you do not have a table. If you have a cloth or piece of material, place it on the table or floor.
Light a candle if you have one; otherwise, just light the love in your heart.
Bless some water by dipping your fingers in the water and asking Me to bless the water with My Grace. Or use holy water you have received from church.
If you have (and if you wish) place some beautiful flowers in a vase or cup on your altar.
If you wish, have a photo or picture of yourself on the altar.
Or place a card on the table with your name.
Together we will affirm your life and beauty, and acknowledge past bodily change.
Pray like this:
"Dear God, I am grieving ... (here speak to God, explaining your griefs."
I bless my grief with this water (make a blessing sign or just shake some holy water).
I ask You to help me with ... (here ask God for help, explaining your needs).
(Here touch the petals of the flowers, offering them in celebration of the beauty of your life).
Please help me heal from past regret, and blossom into joy with a new life of freedom from past sorrow, I realize that I have deepened in wisdom and understanding. I thank you for this.
As your loving child, I ask You to help me find inner peace. "
Now pray to God in your own words. Be at peace. Be comforted.
Ask for the grace of healing of past memories.
Ask Mary, the Beloved Mother of Jesus, to pray for you.

Be at peace.


There is much heavenly assistance for those involved with occult. Blessed Bartolo Longo converted from the occult to become a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic. As he was undergoing his conversion experience, he was inspired by Mary's promise; "If you seek salvation, promulgate the rosary. This is Mary's own promise."

Bartolo turned to Jesus Christ, restored a delapidated old church and installed a repaired painting of Our Lady of the Rosary therein. Within hours of its installation miracles began to be reported, and people flocked to the church in droves.
Bartolo has been named "The Apostle of the Rosary."
Why not pray the Prayers of Blessed Bartolo Longo for the specific conversion of someone struggling with the occult? Jesus has told us that if we ask, we will receive. If we knock on the door, it will be opened. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters involved in occultism. 

Pray for a conversion
Spend some time in prayer at this Chapel for a conversion. 

Pray the Rosary
The Most Holy Rosary is a further powerful protection against the occult, and agent for conversion. If you wish, pray the Rosary. Bartolo's prayers appear below, together with a link to praying online rosary.

Wear the Miraculous Medal, a powerful aid
Please know, too, that the Miraculous Medal has proven powerful in conversion from occultism. Zachary King converted from occultism through the power of the Miraculous Medal. 
The Rue du Bac in Paris is where the then novice, Sr Catherine Laboure, was blessed with the apparitions of Mary Immaculate. Mary, Queen of Heaven, came to visit Catherine and asked her to have a holy medal made, which would give great protection and graces.
As Catherine was shown the design for the medal, she heard a voice say, "Have a medal struck upon this model. All those who wear it, when it is blessed, will receive great graces specially if they wear it round the neck.
Those who repeat this prayer with devotion will be in a special manner under the protection of the Mother of God. Graces will be abundantly bestowed upon those who have confidence." The prayer is "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

Prayers of Blessed Bartolo Longo

First Joyful Mystery. The Annunciation.
O Mary, immaculate lily, through the joy you felt when at the Angel's message you became the Mother of God: obtain for me the virtue of purity and of humility, that I may become your worthy son/daughter and the brother/sister of Jesus.

Second Joyful Mystery. The Visitation.
O Mary, Mother of grace and of charity, through the joy you felt when, upon visiting Elizabeth, you brought joy to the home of Zechariah and the Baptist was sanctified at the sound of your voice: visit my soul, let it hear your Motherly voice, and fill it with love of God and love of neighbour.

Third Joyful Mystery. The Birth of Jesus.
O Mary, mirror of humility and of poverty, through the joy you felt when, turned away by the inhabitants of Bethlehem and forced to take refuge in a stable from the cold and darkness, you gave birth to the Divine Redeemer: grant that by accepting scorn and poverty I remain faithful to grace and gain the reward of eternal salvation by means of good works.

Fourth Joyful Mystery. The Presentation.
O Mary, the perfect model of obedience and of sacrifice, you who offered Jesus to the Eternal Father on our behalf: place your Child upon my bosom, that, together with you, I may offer him the sacrifice of my passions and of my whole being.

Fifth Joyful Mystery. The Finding in the Temple.
O Mary, a shining example of patience, through the joy you felt when, after three days of anxiously searching, you found Jesus in the Temple: grant that I too, seeking Jesus with love in every moment of my life in imitation of you, may find him at last in your arms at the hour of my death, never to lose him again.

First Sorrowful Mystery. The Agony in the Garden.
O Grieving Virgin, through the anguish of that saddest of nights in which Jesus in agony in the garden sweat blood at the sight of my sins, and, betrayed, was tied as a criminal: obtain for me the perfect sorrow of my sins and perseverance in prayer, that I may never again betray his most loving Heart.

Second Sorrowful Mystery. The Scourging at the Pillar.
O most grieving Mother, through the pain you felt in knowing that your innocent and holy Son had been publicly stripped and bloodily scourged with biting whips: obtain for me the spirit of true repentance and the virtue of chastity and of the mortification of the senses.

Third Sorrowful Mystery. The Crowning with Thorns.
O Mother of sorrows, through the atrocious torment which pierced your heart when you saw Jesus, the King of glory, then become the King of suffering, crowned with thorns and shame, with a reed in his hands, derided by the crowd: ah!, encircle my intellect and my heart with these very thorns, that I may never offend him again with evil thoughts and sentiments; and obtain for me pureness in my thoughts and the right intentions in my actions.

Fourth Sorrowful Mystery. The Carrying of the Cross.
O grieving Mother, through the martyrdom of your heart, when you met your Son weighed down beneath the heavy cross, staining the road to Calvary with his blood: grant that I, clinging to Jesus' cross, follow behind, daily carrying the cross of my troubles with meekness and with perfect conformity to the will of God.

Fifth Sorrowful Mystery. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord.
O Queen of the Martyrs, through the extreme spasm of your heart when you witnessed Jesus dying on the cross in the midst of a thousand torments, forsaken and without comfort: grant that I die to myself, to the world and to sin, and live in the heart of Jesus alone, having abandoned myself in his most holy arms.

First Glorious Mystery. The Resurrection.
O Most Holy Mother of God, through the joy you felt in seeing Jesus risen from the dead and surrounded in glory: obtain for me that I too rise from the death of sin to a life of grace and of faith, and may persevere in it till my very last breath.

Second Glorious Mystery. The Ascension.
O Queen of the Heavens, through the joy you experienced in seeing Jesus rising to Heaven triumphant as King of the Universe and as our Advocate by his Father: obtain his blessing for me also, so that I be changed by him from a sinner into a saint; moreover, by separating me from all earthly affection, through the virtue of hope may he kindle in me the desire of paradise.

Third Glorious Mystery. The Descent of the Holy Spirit.
O Queen of the Universe, through the joy you felt when the Holy Spirit descended on you and on the Apostles: grant that he come into my soul and fill it with his holy gifts and the heavenly fruits of charity, of joy, of patience and of peace.

Fourth Glorious Mystery. The Assumption.
O Queen, Lady of the Angels, through the joy you experienced when you were taken into heaven body and soul: come with Jesus to assist me at the hour of my death, and lead me with you to everlasting happiness.

Fifth Glorious Mystery. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
O Queen of all the Saints, and the honour and delight of humankind, through the joy you felt when the Most Holy Trinity crowned you as Queen of Heaven and Earth: inflame me with your love and with the love of God, that I may love and serve you on earth, and glorify you, O Queen of my heart, in heaven. 

Link to online Rosary

Sunday 19 June 2022


Quiet your thoughts, and turn to God.
Pray the following prayer;

"Dear God, I come before You today, sinful and sorrowful. I have committed sin [here speak to God from your heart, in the quietness of your inner spirit].
It has affected my life. It has affected the lives of others. I ask you to forgive me, and to help me to forgive myself.
I promise to never carry out this action again.
I promise to try to do better in the future. Please accept my repentance, and cover my sins with Your Mercy and Forgiveness.
Please help those whom I have hurt by bringing them inner healing, and to grant them grace within their lives that the effects of my sin may be diminished or healed.
Thank you for loving me.

Your act of repentance and forgiveness is blessed by God, and absolution [or the washing away of the effect of the sin upon your spirit] is given by God.
Go forward into your new life, resolved never to sin in this way again.
Form new habits; and check in each decision to be made what Jesus would do. If you try to do what He would do, you will make balanced decisions according to the values dear to God.

If you wish to give your life to Jesus Christ, visit the Chapel at the following link


Here is a helpful prayer guide if you wish to pray for the intercession of the Angels for healing in your ancestral tree,.

Preparation; Place a small prayer table or altar in a quiet room which is peaceful.
Cover the table with a white cloth, and place a Bible on the table.
Light a candle [or use a small electric lamp]. If necessary, ensure that the candle is protected, and under supervision.
Decorate the prayer altar with symbols of your family - such as a small dried branch of a tree, photographs, names, wishes or prayers regarding your family and ancestors.

Place a picture of Christ or a meditative icon on the altar. Settle yourself before the altar to pray. If possible, have some soft music playing quietly in the background.
Choose texts from the Bible, and lift up your heart and soul in prayer to the Divine.

Examples of  prayer passages are;
1. THANKSGIVING; What has Christ done for our family?
Ephesians 5;20  - 'Always and everywhere give thanks to God ...'
1 Thessalonians 5;18 - 'For all things give thanks ...'

2. DISCERNMENT; How does Christ want to heal our family?
1 Corinthians 13;1-8 - To love in all its dimensions
Matthew 6;5-15 - To pray as in the Our Father
Matthew 6;25-34 - To trust God
Matthew 5;3-12 - To have the attitudes of the Beatitudes
Matthew 5;38-48 - To forgive enemies, pray for those who are persecuting us
Matthew 5;27-30 - To be chaste in monogamous relationship
Matthew 5;13-16 - To be a witness, the salt of the earth, the light of the world

3. FORGIVENESS; How can we forgive as Christ forgives?
Matthew 18;21 - Forgive not only seven times, but seventy times seven
Luke 23;34 - 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do'
Matthew 6;12 - Forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven those who are in debt to us

4. CHANGE; How can our ancestral tree be healed from within?
Romans 5;20 - But however great the number of sins committed, grace was even greater
Romans 8 - The new life possible with the Spirit

While praying, be aware of your angels helping you to lift your heart and spirit to God

Conclusion; At the end of the time of prayer, pray on behalf of your family and your ancestors. In their name, pray for the power and strength of the Eucharist to flow into every branch of your family, present and past.
On behalf of your family, let past hurts, sadness and rifts with God go.
As God to gently heal these wounds within your family tree.
Ask God to heal spiritual and emotional issues within your family tree.
Pray for burdens of unforgiveness, unhealed hurt and hatred to be released.
Ask GOD in the Presence of His Mighty Angels to heal everything that has stood in the way of His Relationship with your family and yourself.
Believe in His Might and that He has heard your prayer.
End your prayer with a heartfelt thanksgiving to God, Who has the power to rejuvenate and bless the wounded and dead bark of any family tree.


In 1536, two Franciscan priests were sailing along the coast of Flanders.
  A tempest arose, sinking the ship along with 300 passengers.
  The two Fathers grabbed hold of a nearby plank, and held onto it as they were tossed in violent waves for three days and nights.
  All the while the two men prayed to Saint Joseph to save them from their desperate situation.

  On the third day, a radiant man came to their aid, encouraging them to have faith and to continue to trust in Saint Joseph.
  The mysterious man conducted them safely to harbor.
  Upon arriving safely, they repeatedly thanked the man and asked his name.
  He revealed that he was Saint Joseph himself.
The two priests wished to honor Joseph for his care of them, and asked what they could do.
  Saint Joseph told them to honor him in the following way: to daily recite 'The Our Father' and 'Hail Mary' seven times while meditating on his seven sorrows and seven joys.
  Thereafter, he disappeared as mysteriously as he had come.

Why not show your devotion to Saint Joseph by praying the Sorrows and the Joys?
  You can meditate on the scriptures while praying the following:

1st Sorrow - Joseph Resolves to Leave Mary [St Matthew 1:18-19]
When Mary was affianced to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with Child by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit of GOD.
  Whereupon Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away privately.

1st Joy - The Annunciation to Saint Joseph [St Matthew 1:20-21]
"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.
  The Child Who has been conceived in her comes from the Holy Spirit; she will give birth to a Son and you will name Him Jesus: He will save His people from their sins."

O glorious Saint Joseph, chaste spouse of Mary most holy, what anguish filled your heart when you thought of putting your spouse away privately.
  Yet your joy was unspeakable when the stupendous mystery of the Incarnation was made known to you by the angel.
  By this sorrow and joy of yours, we ask you to comfort us with the joy of a good life, followed by a holy death, patterned after your own, in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
        Our Father     Hail Mary    Glory Be

2nd Sorrow - The Poverty of Jesus' Birth 
[St Luke 2:6-7]
"And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born Son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."

2nd Joy - The Birth of the Savior of Humanity 
[St Luke 2:10-19]
"And the angel said to them: 'Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy. . . For, this day, is born to you a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord '. . . And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying: 'Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to all of good will.' . . . And they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger."

O glorious Saint Joseph, chosen to be the virgin father of the Word made flesh, your sorrow at seeing the Child Jesus born in such poverty was changed into heavenly exultation when you heard the angelic hymn and beheld the glories of that resplendent night. By this sorrow and joy, we beg you to obtain for us the grace to one day hear the angelic songs of praise and rejoice in the shining splendor of heavenly glory.

        Our Father     Hail Mary    Glory Be

3rd Sorrow - The Circumcision of Christ 
[St Luke 2:21]
"And after eight days were accomplished, the Child was circumcised . . ."

3rd Joy - The Holy Name of Jesus 
[St Matthew 1:24-25]
"And Joseph . . . did as the Angel of the Lord had commanded him . . . and he called His name Jesus."

O glorious Saint Joseph, you faithfully obeyed the law of God. Your heart was pierced at the sight of the precious blood shed by the Infant Savior during His circumcision, but the name 'Jesus' gave you new life and filled you with quiet joy. By this sorrow and joy, obtain for us the grace to be freed from all sin during life, and to die rejoicing, with the holy name of Jesus in our hearts and on our lips.
        Our Father     Hail Mary    Glory Be

4th Sorrow - Simeon's Prophecy 
[St Luke 2:34-35]
"And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother: 'Behold this Child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.' "

4th Joy - The Salvation of Humanity 
[St Luke 2:29-33]
"Now Thou dost dismiss Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy Word in peace; because my eyes have seen Thy Salvation, Who Thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples; A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel. And His father and mother were wondering at those things which were spoken concerning Him."

O glorious Saint Joseph, most faithful saint who shared the mysteries of our redemption, the prophecy of Simeon regarding the sufferings of Jesus and Mary caused you to shudder with fear. But at the same time it filled you with blessed joy over the salvation which Simeon foretold would be attained by countless persons. By this sorrow and joy, obtain for us the grace to be numbered among those who, through the merits of Jesus and the intercession of Mary, are destined to enjoy eternal salvation.

        Our Father     Hail Mary    Glory Be

5th Sorrow - The Flight into Egypt 
[St Matthew 2:13-14]
"Behold an Angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph, saying: 'Arise, and take the Child and His mother, and fly into Egypt: and stay there until I shall tell thee. For it will come to pass that Herod will seek the Child to destroy Him." He arose, and took the Child and His mother by night, and retired into Egypt: and they were there until the death of Herod."

5th Joy - The Toppling of the Idols [Isaiah 19:1]
"Behold the Lord will ascend upon a swift cloud, and will enter into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at His Presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst thereof."

O glorious Saint Joseph, most watchful guardian of the incarnate Son of God, how you toiled and struggled, caring for the Son of the Most High, especially during the flight into Egypt! Yet at the same time, how you rejoiced to have God Himself always near you amid the idols of Egypt. By this sorrow and joy, obtain for us the grace to keep ourselves safe from the evil one, especially be fleeing spiritual dangers; may every idol of earthly affection be recognized and rejected by us; may we become wholly engaged in serving Jesus and Mary, and for them alone may we live and happily die.

        Our Father     Hail Mary    Glory Be

6th Sorrow - The Perilous Return from Exile 
[St Matthew 2:19-22]
"But when Herod was dead, behold an Angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph in Egypt, saying: 'Arise, and take the Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel. For they are dead that sought the life of the Child.' He arose, and took the Child and His mother, and came into the land of Israel. But hearing that Archelaus reigned in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there: and being warned in sleep retired into the quarters of Galilee."

6th Joy - Family Life at Nazareth 
[St Luke 2:39-40]
"And after they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their city Nazareth. And the Child grew, and waxed strong, full of wisdom; and the Grace of God was in Him."

O glorious St Joseph, you marveled to see the King of Heaven obedient to your commands, but your consolation in bringing Jesus out of the land of Egypt was troubled by your fear of Herod's successor; nevertheless, being reassured by the Angel, you lived happily at Nazareth with Jesus and Mary. By this sorrow and joy, obtain for us deliverance from harmful fears, so that we may rejoice in peace of conscience and live in safety with Jesus and Mary, and like you, may die in their company.

         Our Father     Hail Mary    Glory Be

7th Sorrow - The Loss of Jesus in Jerusalem
[St Luke 2:42-45]
"And when He was twelve years old, they going up into Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast, and having fulfilled the days, when they returned, the Child Jesus remained in Jerusalem; and His parents knew it not. And thinking that He was in the company, they came a day's journey, and sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. And not finding Him, they returned into Jerusalem, seeking Him."

7th Joy - The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
[St Luke 2:46-52]
"And it came to pass, that, after three days, they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard Him were astonished at His wisdom and His answers. And seeing Him, they wondered. And His mother said to Him: 'Son, why hast Thou done so to us? Behold Thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.' And He said to them: 'How is it that you sought me? Did you not know, that I must be about My Father's business?' . . . And He went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. And His mother kept all these words in her heart. And Jesus advanced in wisdom, and age, and grace with God and men."

O glorious St Joseph, pattern of all holiness, when you lost the Child Jesus through no fault of yours, you sorrowfully sought Him for three days until with great joy you found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers. By this sorrow and joy, we beg you to keep us from every having the misfortune of losing Jesus through mortal sin. But if this grave misfortune should befall us, grant that we may seek Jesus with sorrow until we find Him again, ready to show us His mercy, especially at the hour of death. Thus may we enjoy His Presence in Heaven, and there, in company with you, sing the praises of His Divine Mercy forever.

         Our Father     Hail Mary    Glory Be

V. And Jesus Himself was beginning His Ministry about the age of thirty years.
R. Being, as it was supposed, the Son of Joseph. [St Luke 3:23]

Pray for us, O holy Joseph, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray; O God, in Your ineffable Providence You were pleased to choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Your most holy mother; grant, we beg You, that we may be worthy to have him for our intercessor in Heaven whom on earth we venerate as our Protector: You Who live and reign forever and ever.
R. Amen.

With thanks to and Youtube


Apparitions of Joseph and Mary have occurred over the centuries. 
  Joseph and Mary, co-parenting the Son of GOD, attest to the sanctity of marriage by appearing together with Jesus in childhood form.

  The family in its traditional format comprises biological father, biological mother and biological children as a close unit with shared life, domicile and set of godly values.

  GOD gave us the blueprint for stable family life in the family He brought together in Israel: Joseph and Mary from Nazareth, together with God's own Son, Jesus.

  GOD further blessed the state of family by manifold apparitions of the Holy Family internationally, down through the centuries.

Cotignac, France
On August 10th 1519, a woodcutter named John de la Baume went up to the top of Mount Verdaille. 
  This humble man began his day as was his custom, with prayer.
  As John rose from his knees, he saw a cloud in which Joseph, together with Mary and the child Jesus appeared.
  The family were accompanied by Archangel Saint Michael and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
  Mary stood with her feet on a crescent moon. 
She told John, "Go and tell the Consuls and the Clergy of Cotignac to build a chapel here dedicated to Our Lady of Graces, and come in procession to receive the graces that I want to grant."
  The next day, in the same place, John had the same apparition and the request was repeated.

Fatima, Portugal
On the 13th October 1917, the visionaries at the Cova da Iria received a vision of the Holy Family.
  Saint Joseph appeared beside the sun with the Child Jesus and Mary.
  Joseph was dressed in white, and Jesus in light red. 
  Mary was dressed in white with a blue mantle, as Our Lady of the Rosary.
  Joseph blessed the crowd, making the Sign of the Cross three times.
The Child Jesus did the same.

Knock, Ireland
On 1st August 1879, at about 7 pm, the housekeeper to Archdeacon Kavanagh saw an apparition at the south gable of the parish church.
  Thereafter many others arrived at the church, and also witnessed the wondrous event.
  Mary stood with her husband Saint Joseph in front of a lamb with a cross on an altar: a universal symbolic image of Jesus.
  They were accompanied by Saint John the Evangelist.

  The vision was clear; three life-sized figures were seen to the west of the gable. 
  They were surrounded by light and standing out from it.
  Our Lady stood in the middle, her eyes lifted to heaven and her hands raised to her shoulders with palm inwards.
  She was dressed in a full loose cloak and had a beautiful crown on her head.

Saint Joseph stood to her right, his head bowed respectfully towards her.
  On her left stood Saint John the Evangelist.
He was dressed as a bishop with a small mitre: one  hand raised as if preaching.
  To the left of Saint John was an altar on which stood a lamb and a cross. 
  Around the altar some of the witnesses saw angels' wings.
  When night fell, the gable was covered with a cloud of pleasing light, soft like moonlight.
  The Figures seemed themselves to be made of light.

Zeitoun, Egypt
Holy Zeitoun is known as one of the locations where the Holy Family stayed during their flight into Egypt.
  This flight into the  land which welcomed the refugees saved the life of Jesus.

Above the Coptic Orthodox Church in Zeitoun, a suburb of Cairo, multiple apparitions were witnessed over some years.
  In 1968 Saint Joseph appeared several times together with his wife, Mary, and the Christ Child aged about twelve.

  Various of the Zeitoun apparitions were seen, documented and photographed by millions. 
  The apparitions were also seen by President Gamal Abdel Nasser.
  Furthermore the apparitions were captured by newspaper photographers and Egyptian television.

Message of the Holy Family
The loving unity of the family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus witness to the supreme value GOD places upon the family unit.
  Many struggle with sorrows within family: bereavement, loss and unexpected difficulties may be bravely faced with the help of GOD.

  In an age where confusion reigns at times over various roles in the family, let us remember:
  Every balanced child needs a father. 
Saint Joseph himself - a human man - was chosen to guide Jesus through His developing years in His humanity.
  Every balanced child needs a mother. 
Our Lady - a human woman with a call from the Divine - was chosen to cherish Jesus within her being, nurture Him during His infancy, guide Him through His Youth, and be with Him during His Mission.
  She stood steadfast at His Cross when Her Son needed her at His Death.
  She saw the great Resurrection and the fulfilment of the prophecies of the centuries.

  Every balanced child needs the security of a stable family during the time of transition from infant to adulthood. 
  Severe disturbance in family structure and harmony may lead to the child experiencing difficulties in later life.

Jesus is the blueprint
Jesus, the Christ, promised by GOD and prophesied by the Prophets, is the blueprint of the perfect human being.

  Call on the Holy Family, and on Jesus for the graces needed for your family.

"Let us pray
[as the family of GOD
who share in His Life]
Father in Heaven, Creator of all,
You ordered the earth to bring forth life,
and crowned its goodness
by creating the family of man.
In history's moment when all was ready
You sent Your Son to dwell in time,
obedient to the laws of life in our world.
Teach us the sanctity of human love,
Show us the value of family life,
And help us to live in peace with all people
That we may share in Your Life forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. 