Sunday 19 June 2022




1.   Jesus Christ is the Son of God
2.   Jesus is a male, descendant of the royal House       of David in Israel
3.   Jesus evinces extraordinary powers, able to           perform miracles
4.   Jesus was a preacher during his later years on         earth
5.   Jesus travelled to spread His Teachings
6.   Jesus affirmed there is One True God
7.   Jesus affirmed that the Ten Commandments -
      given by God to Moses - should be obeyed
8.   Jesus was miraculously born to a virgin mother
9.   Jesus was persecuted for His teachings and 
10. Jesus challenged societal structures to reassess
      accepted norms
11. Jesus preaches forgiveness
12. Jesus has love for people with financial 
      wealth and high social status
13. Jesus has love for people in financial poverty
      and low social status
14. Jesus has power over the elements
15. Jesus has ultimate power over death
16. Jesus has ultimate power to grant immortality
      to humanity as evinced in the Resurrection
17. Jesus was kind to men
18. Jesus was kind to women
19. Jesus was kind to children
20. Jesus was kind to animals
21. Jesus is locked in combat with the enemy of
      God, the angels and humanity. These beings
      are known as satan, or devil - and his                       followers
22. Jesus did not live to old age. He died by
      execution as a man in his prime
23. Jesus' human Mother was named Mary
24. Jesus has relations
25. Jesus fulfilled the ancient prophecies of the
      Messiah that God had promised He would 
      send to earth in order to save humanity from 
      the fallout from the ancient Fall.

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