Friday 24 June 2022

Prayer Chapel for Detransitioners Who Regret Gender Transition; WORDS OF COMFORT


Dear Lord, I am here in this Chapel today because since my gender detransition I am - quite simply - struggling. I underwent gender transition which I now regret. I am experiencing difficulties. Tears for changed voice and changed or lost body parts. I have been going through deep emotional pain and trauma, and fear my life has been permanently changed. I often suffer depression.  

I made a past choice which I now regret. Worst of all, I cannot turn back time and change the decision I made.
I did not really have full knowledge at the time as to what I was doing. I was younger, struggling, and hoped that gender transition would heal my inner pain.
I really thought it was the right decision, now - as I grow older and understand the consequences of that decision - I experience heartache.
I have since found that gender transition did not prove the answer I had hoped. 
Now I realize that in gender detransition, instead of being problem free, I now have new problems - a deep regret.
I hurt so much when I think of how my gender detransition has affected my body and my life.
I hurt when I see someone who does not have compassion for my pain dealing with gender issues and gender detransition.
Dear Lord, please help me. 

"My dearest Child,
Just come into my Arms and be at peace. I am your Heavenly Father, and I know all about you.
I know your struggles, your heartaches, your inner goodness, the difficulties you have so bravely faced.
I know how difficult it was for you to undergo therapies and surgeries.
I am the God Who created male and female. I am also the God Who understands the difficulties many experience with gender in a world which was rendered imperfect after the Fall.
Be assured of My Love. Be assured of My Understanding. Rest within My Peace.
Yes, there have been changes such as voice or bodily appearance as a result of hormonal therapies and surgery. Yet these are but superficial.
Your soul has remained untouched, and is most beautiful in my sight, My dear Child.
Be reassured, your resurrected body will be fully healed once more. So do not weep. All of life is a transition. I understand that.
You did not fully understand the decision you were making before. Now you do. So let us move on together.

Look for good help, for one of my Trustworthy Shepherds, a priest or counsellor - be discerning in your choice  - to help you confidentially through your struggles. Further, choose a shepherd who will understand the pain and difficulty of gender transition.
Pain upon looking back at past deeds can do one of two things; firstly, it can strengthen you in your new life.
Or - left unchecked - it can cripple you with regret leading to a depression.

My Son came to show that every day is a new day. Complete renewal can be reborn through My Divine Grace in your human spirit.
Your physical gender attributes are not eternally lost: they will be fully restored to you in heaven.
Now be gentle with yourself. And let me heal your heart, my loving child."

"In order to help you, My dearest child, here is a Prayer Service where My Divine Grace is called down.
During this Holy Service, you and I - together, in this quiet and confidential place, Father and Child - will remember your past transition experiences. We will affirm, cherish and bless your new understanding of the beauty of your gender which does not depend on outer appearance, but on your inner truth.

For this ceremony make a little altar. You can do this with a little table if you wish, or on the floor if you do not have a table. If you have a cloth or piece of material, place it on the table or floor.
Light a candle if you have one; otherwise, just light the love in your heart.
Bless some water by dipping your fingers in the water and asking Me to bless the water with My Grace. Or use holy water you have received from church.
If you have (and if you wish) place some beautiful flowers in a vase or cup on your altar.
If you wish, have a photo or picture of yourself on the altar.
Or place a card on the table with your name.
Together we will affirm your life and beauty, and acknowledge past bodily change.
Pray like this:
"Dear God, I am grieving ... (here speak to God, explaining your griefs."
I bless my grief with this water (make a blessing sign or just shake some holy water).
I ask You to help me with ... (here ask God for help, explaining your needs).
(Here touch the petals of the flowers, offering them in celebration of the beauty of your life).
Please help me heal from past regret, and blossom into joy with a new life of freedom from past sorrow, I realize that I have deepened in wisdom and understanding. I thank you for this.
As your loving child, I ask You to help me find inner peace. "
Now pray to God in your own words. Be at peace. Be comforted.
Ask for the grace of healing of past memories.
Ask Mary, the Beloved Mother of Jesus, to pray for you.

Be at peace.

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