Friday 24 June 2022


"All men are as children before God; all, even the most profound thinkers and the most experienced leaders of peoples.
They judge events with the foreshortened vision of time, which passes and flies past irretrievably. God, on the other hand, sees events from on high, from the unmoved centre of eternity. They have before their eyes the limited view of a few years. God has before Him the all-embracing panorama of the ages. They think of human events in relation to their proximate causes and immediate effects. God sees them in their remote causes and judges them in their remote effects. They stop to single out this or that particular reponsible hand. God sees a whole hidden complicated convergence of responsibilities, because His exalted Providence does not exclude the free choice of evil and good in human selection.

They would have immediate justice, and are scandalised at the ephemeral power of the enemies of God, the sufferings and humiliations of the innocent permitted by God. But our Heavenly Father, Who in the light of His eternity embraces, penetrates and dominates the vicissitudes of time as much as the serene peace of the endless ages; God, Who is the Blessed Trinity, full of compassion for the weaknesses, ignorance and impatience of men, but Who loves men too much for their faults to turn Him from the ways of His wisdom and love, continues, and will continue, to make His sun to rise on the good and the evil, and to send rain on the just and the unjust; to guide their childlike steps with firmness and kindness if only they will let themselves be led by Him and have trust in the power and the wisdom of His love for them.

What does it mean to trust in God?
Trust in God means the abandonment of oneself, with all the forces of the will sustained by grace and love, in spite of all the doubts suggested by appearances to the contrary, to the wisdom, the infinite love of God. It means believing that nothing in this world escapes His Providence, whether in the universal or in the particular order; that nothing great or small happens which is not foreseen, willed or permitted, directed always by Providence to its exalted ends, which in this world are always inspired by love for men." [1]

[1] Pope Pius XII. 1958. Guide for Living, an approved selection of Letters and Addresses of His Holiness Pope Pius XII.  "Why does God allow it?" London: Evans Brothers Limited.  pages 94 to 95

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