Sunday 19 June 2022


Here is a helpful prayer guide if you wish to pray for the intercession of the Angels for healing in your ancestral tree,.

Preparation; Place a small prayer table or altar in a quiet room which is peaceful.
Cover the table with a white cloth, and place a Bible on the table.
Light a candle [or use a small electric lamp]. If necessary, ensure that the candle is protected, and under supervision.
Decorate the prayer altar with symbols of your family - such as a small dried branch of a tree, photographs, names, wishes or prayers regarding your family and ancestors.

Place a picture of Christ or a meditative icon on the altar. Settle yourself before the altar to pray. If possible, have some soft music playing quietly in the background.
Choose texts from the Bible, and lift up your heart and soul in prayer to the Divine.

Examples of  prayer passages are;
1. THANKSGIVING; What has Christ done for our family?
Ephesians 5;20  - 'Always and everywhere give thanks to God ...'
1 Thessalonians 5;18 - 'For all things give thanks ...'

2. DISCERNMENT; How does Christ want to heal our family?
1 Corinthians 13;1-8 - To love in all its dimensions
Matthew 6;5-15 - To pray as in the Our Father
Matthew 6;25-34 - To trust God
Matthew 5;3-12 - To have the attitudes of the Beatitudes
Matthew 5;38-48 - To forgive enemies, pray for those who are persecuting us
Matthew 5;27-30 - To be chaste in monogamous relationship
Matthew 5;13-16 - To be a witness, the salt of the earth, the light of the world

3. FORGIVENESS; How can we forgive as Christ forgives?
Matthew 18;21 - Forgive not only seven times, but seventy times seven
Luke 23;34 - 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do'
Matthew 6;12 - Forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven those who are in debt to us

4. CHANGE; How can our ancestral tree be healed from within?
Romans 5;20 - But however great the number of sins committed, grace was even greater
Romans 8 - The new life possible with the Spirit

While praying, be aware of your angels helping you to lift your heart and spirit to God

Conclusion; At the end of the time of prayer, pray on behalf of your family and your ancestors. In their name, pray for the power and strength of the Eucharist to flow into every branch of your family, present and past.
On behalf of your family, let past hurts, sadness and rifts with God go.
As God to gently heal these wounds within your family tree.
Ask God to heal spiritual and emotional issues within your family tree.
Pray for burdens of unforgiveness, unhealed hurt and hatred to be released.
Ask GOD in the Presence of His Mighty Angels to heal everything that has stood in the way of His Relationship with your family and yourself.
Believe in His Might and that He has heard your prayer.
End your prayer with a heartfelt thanksgiving to God, Who has the power to rejuvenate and bless the wounded and dead bark of any family tree.

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